《你永远斗不过客户》之 法则1 熟悉你的产品

作者:郭霁萱来源:右方微读 公众号

2017-02-05 郭霁萱 原创 右方微读

翻译自 RULE 1-Know Your Products from 《You Can’t Win a Fight with your CLIENT》 By TOM MARKERT










RULE 1 Know Your Products

You can never be truly effective with a client if you do not have asolid understanding of your product portfolio and the full capabilities of yourcompany. There is no shortcut or workaround on this one. Clients want theirproblems solved as fast and painlessly as possible. Your ability to supply asolution is critical. A superficial understanding of your products and theirrange of capabilities simply isn’t good enough. For example, when a client says,“Here is where I need your help, Is this something that you do?” You can’tanswer, “I am not sure, I’ll get back to you.” Why? Because the client willsurely assume that even if you do not offer a service that can help solve thatparticular problem, it must not be core to what you do or surely you would haveknown immediately, Credibility crusher!

Perhaps worse, not fully understanding your company’s range ofcapabilities can cost your company dearly both in terms of immediate andlong-term sales. Imagine if your company had a product or capability you wereunaware of and thus failed to bring it to your client’s attention. As a result,your client brought in a competitive supplier who did a great job on the project.You now have a problem or at least a worry you didn’t need to have.

If you are running a large account, takethe initiative to ensure that you and everyone who works for you is fullytrained on all your products and offerings.

This sounds basic, but it isn’t so easy in today’s environment. Mostcompanies have dramatically cut back on the formal training programs that formany years were a staple in business.

This is not true in every business,however. If you read Fortune magazine’s (January 23, 2007) list of the 100 bestcompanies to work for in 2006, you would see that many companies offer 40-plushours of training each year. But these are the exceptions and certainly not thenorm in today’s environment.

You may want to test your team or certify them in each area of yourbusiness. But let’s face the truth. Learning your products and capabilities isbasic in any business, and it takes personal initiative. It’s not something youcan delegate. It is something you have to want in your belly and something youare willing to go for. The fact that you company does not make training broadlyavailable can’t be used as an excuse.

Chase product knowledge because it will pay dividends.

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